Sunday, January 15, 2017

The new Ubuntu SDK, part 3

[Update: Changed links to source code from and to which is where the current tools probably live.]
Ubuntu SDK IDE offers custom project templates. Either CMake or qmake based.
I wonder how does the C++ compilation with CMake work in the Ubuntu SDK, so let's explore the "QML App with C++ plugin (cmake)" template. The source code for it can be seen in the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu package. It includes all the parts required for a click package, wrapped in CMake:

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The new Ubuntu SDK, part 2

[Update: Changed links to source code from and to which is where the current tools probably live.]

Continuing from part 1, which shows how to use the current Ubuntu SDK from the command line, let's have a look at how does the build from the SDK IDE (rebranded Qt Creator) work.
There are two relevant packages:

Friday, January 13, 2017

The new Ubuntu SDK, part 1

[Update: Changed links to source code from and to which is where the current tools probably live.]

In September of 2016 Canonical released an updated version of the Ubuntu SDK. The main change there was a move from the schroot-based build images (kits) to LXD-based images as can be read in the announcement. Some more details are mentioned in the beta announcement. But that's about all I found about this change.

Luckily, there are some other places where one can see how does the new SDK work and how to use it from the command line: